AstroAle AstroPhotography Gallery

SkyWatcher 130/900 f6.9

5mm, 25mm eyepieces - 2x barlow

Iphone13 Camera

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1. Phases of the Moon

These are the phases of the waxing moon, from over a week of shooting. They are, right to left, 15%, 25%, 35%, 45%, 55%, 65%, 75%, 85%, 100%

30s exposures for each picture. Post processing: PIPP, AutoStakkert, RegiStax

2. Moon Mosaic

This is a mosaic of the moon. By taking a picture of the moon as a whole, the overall quality will be low if you try to zoom in. But with the moon mosaic many high-resolution photos of pieces of the moon's surface are taken, which are joined together with an artificial intelligence software, creating high-quality results like this.

6 x 30s exposures, one for each part of the moon. Post processing: PIPP, AutoStakkert, RegiStax

3. Venus

Venus is a totally inhospitable planet, with a temperature of around 400°C and extreme atmospheric pressures, but it also has flaws. The coolest thing, though, are the phases. Since it orbits closer to the Sun than we do, it has phases exactly like the Moon. There are times when it's between us and the sun, so we don't see it, and times when it's on the opposite side of the sun, so we see it with maximum brightness. Right now it's "to the left of the sun" from our point of view, so we see just over half of it. Given its proximity to the sun, it is one of the brightest planets of all, very visible immediately after sunset or just before sunrise. Details of the surface of Venus are impossible to see, as it is completely covered by clouds so intense that in some parts not even sunlight can pass

3 minutes exposure. Post processing: PIPP, AutoStakkert, RegiStax

4. Mars

The red planet, one of the most coveted for exploration of the entire solar system. But what makes it so special? And is it really that similar to the earth? Mars is just over half the size of the earth and had liquid water on its surface early in its life. But its small size has generated a magnetic field that is not powerful enough to "protect" the atmosphere, which is now almost non-existent. It may have had life on its surface, but now we only know that it is inhabited by many little robots, some still alive like Curiosity and Perseverance with Ingenuity, other legendary ones that have now died out, like Mariner 4 which sent the first photo of Mars on the 14th July 1965 (my birthday) or Pathfinder, with its fantastic landing system, big airbags that inflated before crashing to the ground. The missions now active to get to Mars are different, there is Starship by SpaceX, or a joint mission by NASA and ESA to collect the samples that Perseverance is taking from the surface of Mars and on the ground. For now, however, we continue to observe it from a distance. There are some darker areas in the upper left, they are different conformations of the terrain of Mars. The white halo that can be seen below, on the other hand, is water ice! And it's one of the most coveted places to land on Mars to be able to refuel rockets.

3 minutes exposure. Post processing: PIPP, AutoStakkert, RegiStax

5. Jupiter

Jupiter, largest planet in solar system, with surface storms and winds of up to 700 km/h (red stripes near equator), 3 of its 79 moons, Io, Europa and Ganymede, and resting place of one of the most beautiful probes ever built, the Galileo probe, which at the end of its life "launched" itself into the Jovian atmosphere, sending extraordinary data to the earth.
3 minutes exposure. Post processing: PIPP, AutoStakkert, RegiStax

6. Saturn

3 minutes exposure. Post processing: PIPP, AutoStakkert, RegiStax

7. The Orion Nebula

A sud della cintura di Orione e a 1500 anni luce dalla terra, la nebulosa di Orione è uno degli oggetti di cielo profondo più visibili nel cielo notturno. È una grande nube di gas e polveri, che sforna periodicamente nuove stelle.

30 x 10s exposures. Post processing: AstroShader

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